User Guide DD2 Betting Bot



Thanks for purchasing the Double Dutch Bot ( DD2 Bot ).

If you have subscribed to Lay Horse Bot/ Auto profit Soccer/ APS Deluxe/ SAW Deluxe/ Horse Dutch bot in past, then you can go through this manual very quickly.

Let’s start the deep dive into the Double Dutch Bot for Greyhounds.

Once your open the bot, complete the registration process and click on desktop icon.

Then you will see the below screen, where you have to input your betfair id and password.

You would have got latest version of Double dutch bot   from the download page.
If you are betting on ,then login using your id and password in this screen.

Procedure for Romanian and Italian clients -If you have access to ONLY (Romania) and (Italy), then use the respective interactive buttons. When you click on interactive, a new window will open (See screen below), input your login ids in that screen and submit.

Please press submit and above screen will close and then simply press login on the main screen.
No Need to input betfair id again on this screen for Romanian and Italian clients. Simply click on Login.

You will see the following screen. (You will see it three times so you will need to click it 3 times).

It is a part of the betfair requirement that we tell you that a staking plan is included in the bot.


Then you will see the following screen


As you can see, you can run upto three different cycles with Double Dutch bot . You can select countries you want to bet for each backing strategy.

For example : Cycle 1 – you can bet only on Australia and NZ, Cycle2 – you can only bet on UK & Ireland etc.

Market to bet: - You can select Win or Place market.

Min price and Max price is the price range which user can select for the horse to be qualified for dutch betting.

Min Price fav Max Price fav is the price range which user can select for the race to be qualified for dutch betting if the favorite is in the below price range only.

Time to bet:

Select Pre-Play as 15 seconds in Time to bet settings. So, all races to be checked for qualification starting 15 seconds before the official start of the race.

Minimum amount matched: Amount of minimum money should be matched in the horse race for bot to make a qualified selection. In order to avoid low liquidity matches, atleast keep $5000 or more as per your equalivant currency.

Max Book % - Over round for the entire race before the off should not be more than 110.(Win Market)

Runners:  Select the numbers of runners.

Max Dutch %:- This is the limit as high as the bot will allow, over 90% in this example the bot would not make the bet, to bet this high you would need an odds on selection.

In Play Action:   You can chose keep, cancel or place SP.  Input the commission as per your account.

Transfer option; -
Transfer option will ensure certain % of Profit or Transfer to move from one Dutch to another Dutch if one of the target for one Dutch moves greater beyond a certain limit.

I strongly recommend you to go through the video tutorial to understand the transfer in detail.

In below example, 33% of target from Dutch 1 or Dutch 2 will move to other side if at any time , target value for either Dutch crosses more than 5.00 ( this is on a 10 cent or pence Stop at a Profit Target)

use target option not profit.

Trend Transfer: If you select this option, it transfers all the losses from the losing DD, to the DD that has just won. So, we are following the winning trend.



Tick Offset  and Betfair Comms :-

Tick Offset value is to ensure that all bets get matched. If you keep tick offset as 1 , all bets will be placed at 1 tick lower than the price available just to ensure all bets matched.

Betfair comms :- Input the commission % as you have in your account. 8% is a good average for Australia

See Tutorial video below for more on this option

Favourite Freeze :-  with this option, the bot will always place the favourite on the side of the losing Dutch from previous race.

Favourite Rotate: - Bot will rotate the favourite every next race. One time on DD1 and 2nd time on DD2.

No favourite: -  Bot will not select favourite in any dutch -neither in Dutch 1 nor in Dutch 2.

Added Version 1.24 30-8-2020

  • Three new options to construct the DD.

  • Fav (1,2,3,4) Auto, if selected, the DD will consist of DD1 will be the first 4 in the betting, so the 1st to 4th Fav, and DD2 will bet the balance of the horses up to the odds limit you have set.

  • Fav (1,2,3) Auto, is the same as above but using the first 3 in the betting in DD1, and the balance into DD2

  • Back (1,2), this option if selected will put the 1st and 2nd fav into bot DD1 and DD2 and split the remaining horses up to your odds limit, between DD1 and DD2. You will need to adjust your Max Book to 160.

And I suggest don’t go under 3.00 as the Fav odds. If using Back (12) option.


With above buttons, user can start and stop either Dutch, if required.

Staking options:

Stop at a profit staking

Stop @ Profit per Race: This is how much you want the back to win, we have 1.00, so if the back bet is successful, we will win 1.00 dollar, pound, euro or whatever currency your betfair account is set up.

The Continue box is ticked, so the means, if you win the target the bot will reset and try and win another 1.00

Stop @ Profit each Tab: The bot has 10 tabs, that are located at the top of the bot. These are where the back bets are held during the race, and if another race is starting to be monitored, then the next tab is used for the new dutch. It is these tabs, that this option relates to.

Like in the example above (5.00), then once the profit in tab reaches 5.00 profit, if the box was unticked then that tab would not accept anymore bets, and if you only have Tab 1 enabled the bot would stop placing bets. In the example we have it ticked so it would ignore this instruction, and continue to bet.

Stop @ Profit all Tabs: If this is unticked, then the bot will stop betting once the nominated figure is reached, on all tabs, so no more bets will be made until the bot is restarted.

So if you say I want to make 10.00 for the day and then stop, you would put 10.00 in the box and untick it.

If the continue box is ticked then, the bot will continue betting.

In DD2 bot,you can run ( upto 3 cycles) for Stop At A Winner betting. It has 10 tabs as you can see on the screenshot above.

Off Betting Window From: This option allows you to stop the bot from betting between certain hours. For example, you may not want to bet the night races in UK or Ireland, you can put (use your local time (Bot time)).

So, for example if you are in the UK you would put say 18:00 to 24:00 (24-hour format). This way the bot will stop at 6.00 pm and not restart until midnight.

Please use the number of tabs as advised in the settings. Keep all tabs enabled (or minimum of 3 tabs)

In any tab, user can see the profit , target for next bet and losing count for both Dutch 1 and Dutch 2.

Unfortunately, we don't win all the time, and we need bank protection. This is where we set the handbrake (stop loss).

Hard : if the hard is ticked, then the bot will not bet over the will start a new sequence if cont+ restart is ticked.

Stop Loss (don't worry about the $ sign as it is the currency of your account). In the example we have 100.00 this means if the loss from the last winning bet is over 100, then the bot will either, do one of three things if the option is ticked, as it is in this case.

No. Losses, if we have this ticked then it will stop the series when you have had in this case 5 losses in a row.

If you have both ticked then whichever happens first, will cause the series to stop and take the action you have set (see below).
Continue button will ensure that the bot should not stop once profit target is reached ( per match or per tab) but it will start the fresh cycle.

So, if you want to keep running the bot always, please keep the continue button ticked.

Here you can see three buttons – Continue with restart and continue without restart and one is don’t continue.

Once the stop loss has been hit for any tab, then you would have option to continue betting as it is or start a new cycle or don’t continue at all.

Very important – Please use the option “Continue with restart”checked as otherwise you are exposing yourself to big risk. You may lose your bank if you have a losing run and continue without restart is checked.

Please remember when you select continue without restart or continue with restart button; you will get above pop up which needs to be clicked OK. This is mandatory betfair requirement.

Traps (Boxes)

You may have a trap or box combination you like of dislike so you can untick for boxes you don't want.


Start button: - Once the settings are set by the user, press the start button in order to start the bot.

Stop button: - press the stop button to stop the bot.

Log out: - press the log out button and you will come out of the bot.

Clear button
when you start betting next day, the bot will start from the same cycle where you left it previous day unless you use a clear button and want to start fresh.  If you want to continue the same cycle, don’t use the clear button and just press the start button and let it run every day. There are respective clear buttons for each tab as well.

There is one box which you will see at the middle center of the interface.

It will show at what time the user pressed the clear button for the particular tab.

The profit/loss for tabs will be shown accordingly from the time the clear button was last clicked.

As soon as you press the clear button, the bot will erase all staking sequence , profit/loss etc and will start fresh.

When you click on software manual, you would have got access to this manual only.
Show Log :- if you don’t want log to be available in the bot , but only as the .txt file. Please keep it unticked.  Keeping it unticked will ensure the bot works faster and smooth.

Show Market: - This will allow the markets to be seen live by you if you click on the race you want to view.

Auto reload: This button (if checked) will keep on loading the soccer markets for the day every 2nd hour. If you want to keep the bot running on your desktop/laptop or VPS, please keep it checked.

Please keep auto reload checked all the time.

Cycle 1 Profit / Cycle 2 Profit /Cycle 3 Profit  – you will see overall profit for each strategy here

Sort Button: Works when you have the market showing it will bring the field into favouritism order.

The numbers below the sort button is the Market Liquidly (in your currency) this example has 50,241 Australian Dollars (as my account is in AUD).

Account Balance

In results tab, you can see all consolidated results for each tab. Cumulative profit is shown at the top
With the export button, you can download all results in .csv file.

Don’t forget to enable the tabs.

Very important to keep the tabs enabled, otherwise bot will not take any bet in that tab, if it is not enabled.

Log tab: - it will give you view of what the bot is doing second by second.

This is very important feature in all of our bots. Now, the user can see what the bot is doing second by second. You may not be able to understand everything what is in the log but it is helpful in order to investigate any error. Log tab will only show if you have ticked Show Log.

You can access the detailed log file at the following address:-
C:\Program Files (x86)\Profit Sports Betting\DoubleDutch2\log_files


Tutorial Video

These are for the horses which are the same settings.


This Video Runs for 21 minutes, shows the setting up of the bot.


New additions added 30th August, 2020.



Now the Transfer Option Works.


This video shows the new Fav123 Auto, and Trend Transfer plus how the hard stop works.


Money Management. For horses (Greyhounds are the same.)

The most comon mistake I see in gambling (yes we are gambling on things to happen as we would hope), is people betting too larger stakes for the money they have in the account set aside.

Can I make £400 a month on a £100 bank? Or similar questions.

NO... certainly not on an annual basis.

DD2 bot is the same.

We have been testing the bot over the past 10 days, ironing out the bugs, and also recording the results (not easy when rewriting bots), we are up to version V1.16 as I do this, so that is 16 revamps (sorting out code and getting it to do as it should).

Lastnight on the UK and Irish races we had 460 bets, using two cycles. We had 10p as the target, we turned over £82.00 pounds over the days racing.

While one days racing is not a guide, over the past 4 days, this figure of 82.00 is looking like a reasonable one.

So you could look at it as 41.00 per cycle.

Obviously, we are not spending all this at once it is spread over 4 to 8 hours.

Now while we are betting small, you need to keep in mind that yes we can bet under the minimum limit Betfair set ($5.00 in Australia or £2.00 in UK), this means that if we are betting 8 horses for example in the two dutches, the bot will need to place the bets on the 8 horses at the minimum stake, before adjusting the staking down to the lower stakes.

So 8 x 5.00 = $45.must be in the account in order for the bets to be placed initially ( even if we end up with only .85 cents on the whole cycle staked.)

And if we have 3 cycles in play, 3x8 = 24 individual bets placed at 5.00 each is $120.00 needed in the bank. If you are using pounds it is £48.00 needed to have the bets excepted. Then the staking is adjusted down to our required stakes.

The point is you need the bank to cover the inital bets at minimum betfair level (even though we will not in most cases be spending that much.)

Above shows you that in the 16.35 Wolverhampton we had 6 bets on one cycle, so we needed 30.00 (aussie dollars) to get the bets in betfair, then the bot adjusted the staking to what we needed only $3.36

So how much do I need to have to bet so much?

Yes, they may seem high!

But, the aim is to be comfortable with betting, and if you are worried about the bank then the fun and excitement of betting is lost.

We recommend that you look at betting .10 pence or 10 cents Stop @ Profit Per Race.

This is a starting point, so you can see how the bot works, like testing the water before you dive in.

Setting Up to.

This is for a .10cent or Pence Profit.



For UK, Australia and Ireland

Play around be creative.

The bot is a tool, you are the craftsman.

Cycle 1

The Rotate Fav Greyhound Strategy.

Settings for 10 pence/cent Target.

On Countries, tick the country or countries you want to bet, and after that hit the reload button for that cycle.

Once you have the settings correct, then hit the Start Button, this will get cycle 1 up and running.

If you want to stop or close the bot please always hit Stop before closing bot.


Important: Only have one Staking Tab enabled.

If you want to bet more the $1.00 or pound the Target would be 1.00, Stop Loss 200.00

This is a start depending on where you are betting you may want to look at field sizes, or box es that you prefer to include or exclude.


You will at times hit Stop Losses, so please keep that in mind.





If you are our existing user of SAW Deluxe or APS Deluxe, then I am sure you will find Double Dutch Bot comfortable to use. But if you are new to our bots, I strongly recommend you to go through and read Horse Dutch Bot manual  and the user videos for SAW Deluxe, so you get end to end view on functioning of our bots.

APS Deluxe manual

SAW Deluxe manual

Horse Dutch Bot


Troubleshooting Bot being disabled by over zealous Defender.

If you load the bot and later it disappears it is the Defender software that is doing this.

The bot is safe and has no virus.

Here are a few videos to show you how to get the defender to accept the software.

Video 1


Video 2



Thanks as always for your support

Michael & Steve



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If you don't accept this offer where will you be with your punting in a month from now?


Steve Davidson © 2024

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Unlike companies that provide a tangible product that can be returned for a refund, our product is information. It can be used immediately upon viewing, and there is no product to return. Once a service has commenced, there can be no refund. Our services are the absolute best we can make them. Just as with the Stock Market, our customers must recognize that the information cannot be guaranteed, and that past performance is not a promise of future results. What is guaranteed is that each and every customer will receive the service that was purchased in full.

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Steve Davidson